
I've been writing mostly about Mobile and Web App development.
In total, I've written 6 articles on this site. Use the search below to filter by title.

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Bloc with Freezed and Built Value

In this article we will see a way to integrate Freezed with Bloc and Built Value to manage state in a Flutter App.


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Use RxDart Streams with Flutter Hooks

In this article we will see three different way to write a Counter App using Streams, RxDart and Flutter Hooks.


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State management in Flutter with Async Redux and Built Value

In this article we will see how to make Async Redux and Built Value work together in a real world Flutter app and analize the pro and cons.


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Generate GraphQL types for Typescript with CodeGen

GraphQL CodeGen is a tool to fetch the GraphQL schema types directlly from the graphql server endpoint and generate TypeScript typings


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Flutter - Pixel by Pixel

An introduction to Flutter ecosystem: from time before Flutter, talking about changes in the Mobile App Development space, to a Real World example


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How we deal with the animation at LoMoStar

The advantages of using React Native nowadays are quite obvious, one code base, same JavaScript language and web development concept applied the native app platform, including animation to some extent.

React Native

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